Meal Prep for Winter
Updated Jan 18, 2021
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My winter meal prep includes ingredients and recipes that are perfect for these cold winter months. I’ll show you how easy it is to turn 10 ingredients into a variety of hearty and nourishing meals including warm salads, spicy breakfasts, filling dinners and tasty snacks.
Winter Meal Prep – Watch As I Meal Prep for the Week
Back by popular demand, I have a new seasonal meal prep video for you. This is the 4th seasonal meal prep video in a series (plus a meal prep containers video).
Make sure to go back and watch the others to learn more about my meal prep approach, which is to prep a handful of ingredients for easy, mix-and-match meals throughout the week.
- Meal Prep Ideas: 9 Ideas to Save Time in the Kitchen
- Meal Prep for Spring: Healthy Meal Prep Ideas
- Meal Prep for Summer: Light and Fresh Meal Prep Recipes
- Meal Prep Containers: 4 Awesome Containers that Aren’t Plastic
In today’s video I’ll show you how to meal prep 10 ingredients and give you a few ideas for warm, winter meals that you can quickly whip up. But with the creativity in this community, I’m sure you’ll combine these ingredients in even more delicious ways and when you do, make sure to tag me on Instagram so I can see it.
Ingredients I’ve Meal Prepped for Winter
- Slow Cooker Pulled Pork
- Roasted Beet Hummus
- Ultimate Seed Crackers
- Oranges
- Sweet Potato Noodles
- Red Cabbage
- Lentils
- Swiss Chard
- Dijon Vinaigrette
- Citrus Lime Vinaigrette
These ingredients can be combined in numerous ways, but today I’m sharing several meal ideas and recipes that I’ve made from these ingredients, including:
- Spicy Pulled Pork Fried Eggs
- Spiralized Sweet Potato Egg Nests
- Fresh Orange Slices
- Beet Hummus and Crackers
- Curly Sweet Potato Fries with Garlic Aioli
- Pulled Pork, Cabbage and Arugula Salad
- Warm Sweet Potato Noodles, Cabbage and Lentil Salad
- Beet Hummus, Garlic Sauteed Swiss Chard, Lentils and Pulled Pork
- Candied Orange Peel
There are a few items in this winter meal prep that take a bit longer than the others, such as the Slow Cooker Pulled Pork and the Candied Orange Peel. Both of these items need to sit for 8 hours, so it’s best to make them the night before.
If you split those items up, it will take you approximately one hour to prep those two items the night before and two hours the following day to prep the remaining items. But again, these are just ideas. You don’t need to do everything you see on this meal prep. Pick and choose or combine with ideas from the other meal prep videos.
Want even more ideas? Check out my best meal prep recipes, including durable salads, healthy snacks, and freezer-friendly recipes.
Downloadable Meal Prep PDF
If you’ve subscribed to my website and are on my email list you’ll receive a handy PDF guide of this weekly meal prep, with tips for prep time and storage. Subscribers are always the first to get new goodies! But if you’re not already subscribed, make sure to subscribe and you’ll soon receive this PDF guide as well.
I hope this winter meal prep inspires a few new ideas and if you’d like to see me continue these meal prep videos, let me know in the comments below. Happy meal prepping!
Hi Lisa I love these recipies! I do have a question though… I have looked everywhere and cannot find a solution on how to perfectly peel those 6.5 minute soft boiled eggs, I do love them but cannot peel them! Please tell me your secret! Thanks!
I usually roll them on the counter with a couple taps to peel my eggs!
Can you please post a grocery list for the entire meal prep?
Hi Lisa
I just preordered you book and I’m so excited. I signed up for the emails and requested the meal prep PDS’s twice but still haven’t received them. How can I get the budget and winter meal prep PDF’s specifically?
Hi Michelle – please email and we’ll help you from there!
Love your shows specially the recipes.
Thanks so much for all your support Nettie!
Hi there, Lisa! I’m only 8 years old, but I love your recipes so much! But I have lots of allergens. Can you post the same thing, but with more healthy recipes? Here’s my allergens list: bread, pasta, dairy, nuts, and too many spices.
Hi Troy – Thanks for reaching out! Everything on my website is gluten-free and dairy-light. You can also filter through recipes via the recipe section on my website. Hope that helps!
For the Whole30 Meal Plan, are the serving sizes the same whether you’re a man or a woman, or should I increase the quantity by half for a man? Eg. 1 serving for a woman is 1.5 servings for a man.
For a man, I would maybe double it if they tend to eat more.
Thanks Lisa,
Much awaited, incredibly helpful.
Love all your wonderful ideas.
Hello! Loving the PDFs, videos and blog posts. Thank you very much!
May I ask how many people you had in mind when prepping so that I can adjust accordingly? I’m doing the “big shop” in the next day or so and I’m planning how much of each ingredient I should buy.
Many thanks :)
This meal prep is ideally made for 1 to 2 people. So if you have more, definitely double or triple the ingredients!
Thank you so much for all the healthy and good recipes you have shared with us your followers like me. I really need to change our lifestyle eating habits. My husband has rheumatoid arthritis. I need to prepare for him healthy meals especially antii inflammatory diet. Like how you make different recipes for salmon(Dixon baked salmon, salmon patties, salmon avocado salad). These recipes are good for my husband with rheumatoid arthritis. Again thank you. You’ve helped me so much with all meal prep. God bless you.
Happy to hear you and your husband have found healthy solutions through Downshiftology! Stay tuned for more meal prep news and healthy recipes coming soon :)
I love the meal preps. I hope it keeps me on track eating whole foods during the week. Instead of last minute thoughts on what to eat. Where can I find the shopping list?
Hi Jody, you can receive all the PDF’s if you subscribe to my email list, which can be found on the homepage :)
Thank you for sharing so much information for free, amazing and just the inspiration I need!
As a single shift-worker, I struggle to follow a healthy diet and have been battling with ever increasing weight for years. The biggest issue is having the time and energy to prepare healthy meals and batch cooking doesn’t really work for me. I’m am excited about prepping a weeks worth of meals in a few hours though and feel this will be a happy medium between reducing effort but allowing the flexibility to be creative at mealtime.
Glad these meal preps are helpful Tasha! I can only imagine how hard it must be to find time to cook. Hope you enjoy these recipes and my content to come.
I am new, but i am loving your videos. I hope i can do it myself and be healthy like you.
You can do it as well! Hope you enjoy all the recipes!
Lisa, how do I get the winter PDF guide, i just signed up.
Hi Vivian! You should receive a welcome email with all the PDF’s. If not, please email
Hi, Lisa.
I have signed up but have not received the links for the PDFs for meal prep (all four seasons). When I try, I am sent back to the sign in page. I have received my first email so I know I’ve been confirmed. Help, please! TIA
Hi Amelia – we sent you an email from!
Lisa, where do I find the PDF file with the menus? I have watched you for 2 days and I am impressed & want to follow your plan to downshift my eating and improve my immune system. (BTW, in the huevos rancheros recipe, “huevos,” are pronounced “way voz” or more like a short e sound in “we voz.”
Hi Mary! You can receive the PDF’s if you subscribe to my email list, which is right on the homepage of the website.
I love the meal prep videos! Cooking for one can be annoying but you make it much simpler. I look forward to more meal-prep videos and articles.
Thanks Emily! I’m glad you enjoyed the video and recipes.
Hi Lisa! I just came across your yt channel last week and think I have watched hours worth of them already….can’t seem to stop :) I really appreciate the way you make it all seem so simple and an overjoyed that it is gluten free and mostly for single people!!! YEAH! If I had a wish list – your videos cover it all. I am looking forward to more meal prep ideas, recipes and more. My health situation has changed recently and now I am having to do no wheat/gluten, dairy or soy so trying to wrap my head around where to start! Your videos are a big help. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into them.
I’m so glad you discovered my channel as well Renee due to all your diet changes! Excited to hear I can make a positive impact and can’t wait to see what recipes you make. Also, don’t forget to join the Facebook community group for tons more inspiration from your fellow Downshifters :)
I cannot see the recipes and have never had trouble before….LOVE your blog! I do not see where to click if you “can’t get the pretty pictures”
Hi Joan- Oh no! Can you please send an email to We will help you from there!
Excellent information to help make things easier in the kitchen. Thank you
Hi Lisa,
I just discovered Downshiftology, love all the recipes I have seen so far and looking forward to trying them.
I saw in one of your videos you mentioned that you do not use Apple Cider Vinegar any more to wash your produce and mentioned you made a separate video on the reasons why. I can’t seem to find it! If you have time I wonder if you could let me know the link, so very much appreciate it.
Thank you again for all your incredible videos, so much information to share.
Thanks again
Hi Lorna – I’m happy you’re enjoying all my videos! I talk about that more on my summer meal prep blog post. :)
Hi Lisa,
I’m so glad I found your channel! I love your recipes, tips and philosophy on all things epicurean! I shared it with my 3 daughters who all love to cook healthy easy meals for their families!
I am having trouble getting your winter meal prep pdf. The link keeps taking me to the subscribe page! Help!
I’m also waiting for your cookbook :) …!
Hi Tere- So glad you discovered Downshiftology as well! As for the PDF, you have to subscribe to gain access to the PDF’s :)
Hi Lisa!
I’m loving the way you do meal prep. It works well for me, a single Senior. I have successfully tried your Summer prep. I don’t want to eat that combination all season however.
I’d like to try this method on my own. I’m curious about the thought process behind it. Could you explain how you get to the final decisions? Do you pick ingredients or recipes first? Do you start with proteins? Do you have standard ingredients or recipes? Maybe you could do a how-to video.
Hi Judy – I’m happy you love my meal prep concept! I hope to do another video in the near future on how I actually plan the meals before prepping them. Stay tuned!
Hi Lisa,I just subscribe to your yt channel and saw the meal prep for winter. I wanted to give you a tip for the lentil recipe I use orange, green, brown lentils and when I want to cook them ,from the previous day I soak them to water and you can add a spoon of soda. Soda is very handy to help your stomach to digest. Next day I rinse them well and because they are soaked they need half time to cook. The same I do for cheakpies and beans .⁰
Hi Christina – Interesting! Thanks for pointing out this tip for the lentil recipe :)
I have tried to subscribe to your e-mail list several time and I have not received a confirmation e-mail or the .pdf’s that I wanted. I would live to have these as I find you inspiring! Please let me know what I should do,
Hi Sylvia – I just double checked and it looks like you’re not subscribed to the mailing list! If you can send an email to we can help you from there :)
This is the…5th or 6th time I have come here, copied the URL, and sent to a friend.
Lisa, you are the BEST, I just adore your videos, you share such useful information and always in such a relateable way. My heart melts when you post your bloopers. I too am a perfectionist. I can’t wait for your cookbook (you’re totally going to make one, right?) so I can’t stop printing off all your recipes!
xoxo Lindsay
Hi Lindsay – Thanks so much for all your support! I’m so thrilled to hear you’re loving all my content as well as my recipes. I am getting one in the works so do stay tuned! It’s going to be a very long process.
Everything in this video looks so good! I live in Minnesota, so any warm and colorful food this time of year is welcome :) Thank you for making such tasty and accessible recipes!
Hi Meghan – I’m glad this post gave you some new ideas for warm meals and ingredients to use :) I hope you enjoy all the recipes!
Hi Lisa…
For how many days are the Spiralized sweet potatoes good? (Stored in the fridge spiralized, but not cooked)
Thanks in advance!
Hi Becky – They should be good for about 3-4 days :)
Hello from Belgium, Europe :)
I recently found your YouTube channel and i have already watched most of the videos 😱
Having Hasimoto’s disease, I try to avoid gluten and I am always looking for new meal ideas.
I tried twice to subscribe to the newsletter because I wanted to receive the PDF guide for this winter meal prep but I never received anything, is it still possible one year after to have it?
Thank you so much for your beautiful videos, you explain things very clearly, I love what you do!
Hi Julie – I just sent you an email with the downloadables :)
Hi Lisa, i really enjoy your recipes and videos. To make shopping for these meal plans a bit easier, could you provide a shopping list that has all the ingredients of every item?
Hi Melody – I’m so glad you love my recipe and videos so far! I will definitely keep that in mind for my new meal prep ideas I have coming up soon :)
Hi Lisa, absolutely adore your recipes and watching your videos!
You have completely changed the way I eat.
I am trying to download the pdf files of the wonderful meal preps.
I am already a subscriber and part of your emailing list, but have not yet received the pdf files.
Would you be so kind as to send them to me?
Best, Claudia
Hi Claudia – I’m so happy you are loving all my videos and recipes – and the fact that I have been able to help you on your healthy journey :) I will be re-sending you the Welcome Email which includes all my downloadable PDF’s, so watch out for my email! If you don’t receive it, do let me know.
All of your meal prep videos are great, but I have not been emailed the PDFs.
I have added my email 3 different times. anything you can do to help me would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Tonya – I actually just emailed you with a link to access the PDF’s :)
I made the winter meal prep last week and the pork just made it! With all the meal prep combination ideas, it came together with new ideas that I may not have considered. The beet hummus was a hit and now I have some that I frozen for next month’s meals. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Virginia – Thrilled to hear my meal preps gave you new ideas for prepping for the week :)
Hi there!
Love, love, love all of your meal preps thus far, thank you.
One thing though, I never can find or obtain the PDFs in the mail chimp.
Is there another way to get the pdfs list? It would help me greatly. Not sure why I don’t receive it.
I have checked the spam just in case but nothing there either.
Can you help?
I just wanted to say that this video/blog post changed my life. I’ve meal prepped for years, and I usually ended up wasting food because I would get tired of eating the same things multiple times a week. This method has saved me a lot of time in the kitchen and really opened me up to a new world of possibilities. I wasn’t able to find everything at the store, but your ideas were such a great starting point and thinking about the different things I already had on hand. A couple of other meals that I came up with were lentil and sweet potato tacos with that divine citrus vinaigrette and Chinese chicken salad, which were things that I probably never would
have tried otherwise. I’ve even noticed that I don’t have crazy chocolate cravings anymore, and I used to be a chocoholic!
Hi Kristin – I’m so glad my meals have inspired you to find new ways to prepare you food :) It’s always the best feeling when you learn how to utilize different ingredients to create delicious meals you never thought you could!
I love your meal prep videos, you make it look so easy and delicious! Keep them coming Lisa and thanks for all the great cooking ideas, you make one want to eat more healthful each day.
Hi Catherine – Thanks so much! I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying my meal prep ideas. Can’t wait to show you new ideas in 2020!
Dear Lisa,
I really appreciate your simple and practical videos. Since I have been watching your recipes I have bought myself a spirilizer and now my husband is asking me what spirilized meal are we going to do today😄. All the meals and tips are fantastic.
Are you going to do something special for Christmas?.
I am looking forward to other recipes.
Thank you so much.
Hi Maria – I am so happy to hear that! A spiralizer is seriously a game changer and can make so many different types of recipes :) I definitely have a few special recipes coming up for the holidays so stay tuned to both my website and Youtube Channel!
I love this! I’m excited about this winter’s meal prep ideas. So colorful and yet gluten free. I’m inspired by the use of the bacon fat and all of the parts of the veggies. NO WASTE cooking has always been important for me.
Thank you for the beautiful but simple and delicious looking presentations. Can’t wait to try these!
Hi Anita – I always try to utilize each ingredient to the best of its ability! I hope you enjoy this meal prep and ingredients. Also, my Facebook community would love for you to share any creations you have made if you’re not part of the group yet :)
I love your clever approach to meal prep since, I too, get bored with the same dish over and over. This can sometimes lead to waste when I pass it over for the 5th time and opt to eat out instead. It also fully allows various portion sizes and works for one or multiple people. Please keep creating this from year to year using a variety of ingredients and recipes.
Thank you for your generosity!
Hi Nancy – I definitely understand. Cooking dishes can be a tedious and repetitive process. But, meal prepping is a great way to keep various different dishes on rotation! I’m glad you found my meal prepping videos and posts helpful. I will definitely be making more, coming soon :)
Dear Lisa,
Thank you so much for your videos! I really love them!!! So so happy that I’ve found you❤️ The videos are helping me not to fear cooking.. haha :) especially that they are sooo simple and delicious. Mmmm!!!
Managed also to buy some helpful tools for kitchen following you and I was wondering what slow cooker do you use in the winter meal prep because I noticed that it is not the one that can be found on the SHOP page.
Your advice on this would really help.
Hi Ioana – I’m so happy you’re loving my recipes, videos and content! Thank you for your kind words. :) My slow cooker is 15+ years old and that particular model is no longer available, so I linked to another one that I’ve heard great things about. Hope that helps!
Merci beaucoup pour le temps investi dans la préparation de ces vidéos. Des recettes et astuces aussi belles que délicieuses.
Thank you very much for the time invested in the preparation of these videos. Recipes and tips as beautiful as they are delicious.
I have to hank you for a meal prep that is for single person. Not much out there (that I found) and it is much appreciated ?
You’re welcome Pamela! I’m glad you enjoy the meal prep videos. :)
Love the meal plans and tips, very well done!
Thanks so much Angela!
Your videos are so well done. Love the ingredients you choose and the ways you combine for beautiful, clean meals. The prepping idea is incredible. I want to try everything. I hope you continue.
Thanks so much Jean! I’m happy you love my recipes, videos and meal prep ideas. I’ll definitely keep doing them! :)
Lisa do you have any recommendations on how to prep the pork in a similar way using the oven?
I don’t have any recipes for that method, but I’m sure you can find some online. :)
I would love to see a video about food that can be frozen. So the meal prep can go further than just that week.
Thank you! :)
Thanks Gigi – I’ll consider that for a future meal prep video. :)
Yes! More stuff on freesing already made meals.
Every thing looks so delicious..
Thank you Patti! :)
Just found your video by accident. LOVE these meal prep ideas and recipes!!!! Excellently done video. I’ve already signed up for more.
Thanks so much Sonya! I really appreciate the kind words and I’m thrilled you love them. :) x
How do I get on your email list I love your food plan. I live in ND were our winter are cold I love vegies and fruits. I just really new how easy it is to cook and mix and match food up. My mom was not much of a teacher while I was growing up. I cook what I know to feed my family. I am just know at a point in my life enjoying, becoming healthy with food. You have lots of things I am eager to try. Thank you for sharing.
I’m happy you’re loving the meal preps Lisa and getting ideas for mixing and matching foods. You can sign up on my list where it says to sign up for the PDFs at the bottom of this post. :)
Cannot get enough of your videos! I shared them with my mom and she’s hooked, too!
Wonderful! I’m so happy to hear that. And thanks so much for sharing them as well. :) x
Thanks a lof for this great meal prep video that gives me many ideas and creativity in my kitchen!!
I did already the crackers: easy to do and fast, delicious, I really recommend to try it.
And I’m planning to try a few of your recipes ???
Awesome! And love how quickly you whipped up those crackers. Go Heidi! :) x